Monday, July 7, 2008

my summer fling is like a giant, middle-aged crap

Okay, I need to put this boy thing in perspective. Yes, I found out some information that I certainly shouldn't have known thanks to his drunken best friend. It's okay, I've made peace.

In life, there are a lot of unpleasant/unexpected things that we find out. Example: your parents have sex, in fact, you walked in on it in a flu-induced daze to ask where the ibuprofen was. Example: your coworker, the same woman in the perfectly buttoned suit, takes a groaning, yelping crap in the stall behind you whilst you are peacefully adjusting your hair. You contemplate fleeing, but then she emerges, completely unashamed and relieved.
Closeted Crapmonster: "Hi, how was your weekend?"
You: ::blank stare:: "...great."

And by you, I mean me.

When things (forcibly avoiding shit/crap puns) like that happens, there are two courses of action. You can deny that you witnessed such an atrocity and peacefully stare into the opposite director when you pass said coworker in the hall, or let the knowledge affect you. I'm not denying what I saw/heard, in the bathroom or at the party.

I'm not going to pretend that I didn't hear it, but I'm not going to evilly try to get info out of this dude.


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