Monday, July 28, 2008

My last weekend in DC was pretty great....full of shenanigans. Here's the rundown:

-Wednesday night I went to yet another DC United (soccer) game with boy, during which it started thunderstorming and pouring, stopping the game. Since he's in this crazy fan group, we all stayed in the stands screaming and getting soaked (goodbye iPod, camera and phone...ugh), and eventually played around on the soaked field. Fun.

-Friday night I stopped by a party in a friend's apartment, then he stayed over. Fun times had by all, though it was low key night.

-Saturday was quality. Stefi (my roommate who is pretty much my twin) and I had a conversation around 9 p.m. that went something like this:
Me: What do you want to do tonight?
Stefi: Eh, maybe just sit around, watch some Grey's, I'm tired and don't feel like going out.
Me: Yeah me too.

So after we watched some TV and hung around talking, I went to bed around 11:30. At 12:15, Stefi rips open my bedroom door, flips the light on, and pulls my covers off.
Stefi (in her PJs and glasses): We're going out to Platinum! (dance club/bar)
Me: What?
Me: ....okay.

So in 7 minutes we both went from glasses/pjs to full going out gear. Her boything Chris and his friend wanted to meet up, and Stef and I are both obsessed with dancing, so yeah. We then proceeded to run to the metro station in heels and dresses across the Key bridge, sprint onto the metro, and get to the club in record time. We stayed until 3ish and then got back home around 4:45. Oh man.

I was surprised with myself though. I danced with Chris' friend James who was actually ridiculously hot and built, but I didn't want to sleep with him afterward because of boy. Weird.

I have a final Tuesday night and a paper due, plus two stories to finish for work and a hearing to attend. I can't believe that DC is over...I don't want it to be. I didn't go to enough sites or museams or galleries, and I just love the independence of my life here and the people I've met. I'll probably go to Stefi's for Thanksgiving and see her every month or so when she's back in Chicago (she goes to school in Cali), but I'll miss seeing her literally all day every day. One day I was gone with boy for an entire day, and then came home with him. Stefi and I sat on the coach talking while he stood there and she says, "Sorry, I just haven't seen Sara in like 12 hours and I'm kind of freaking out about it. We didn't even text today."

On the upside, I have missed you CT people, and fencing. I'll also like having money (DQ, a necessary evil), training more regularly and actually having some free time.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Leaving in three weeks not an option right now...

One fact can accurately characterized my current emotional state:

On the way to work today, I listened to Jessica Simpson, and I enjoyed it.

Weekend: I went on a hokey touristy boat tour Friday night which sucked, after which I was really angry (for other reasons). Then Stefi and I hung around outside smoking far too many cigarettes and cigars musing about our various issues. I got to bed around 3 and somehow woke up early to go to spinning at 9 a.m. Saturday I worked out in the morning, then went tailgating with the guy for fourish hours, watched the DC United game (they lost, boo), then he stayed over. It was a lovely time, but I really really really can't leave DC in three weeks. I can't. Sunday homework-filled after he left in the morning, followed by a workout of course.

Today: Lots of work still left. I have an interview with DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) chairman Bennie Thompson (!!!), two articles to write and edit, reading for class and a 9-page essay to research and work on if I have time. After work I'm going to spin class for an hour and then working out more. Dieting has sucked, but I've definitely dropped a significant amount of weight by now. The scale at the gym isn't working, so I'll have to wait to tell my trainer what my weight is. Going to the gym for 3 hrs. at a clip is marvelous though, I'm definitely getting into the best shape of my life, and it's relaxing.

The Week Ahead: Congressional hearing on airport security tomorrow (so, when did I become such a nerd?), articles to work on, SO MUCH HOMEWORK, class, lunch with boy, DC United game on Saturday. I need to go to the National Zoo and the Holocaust Museum too, and get a crapload of work done.

2 more weekends here. I really, really can't leave. I love my roommates, this guy thing is going great for the first time in a while...ugh. I do love you all in CT, but I just can't leave here right now.

Another parents said I can't come home this weekend. Basically it's too expensive and they claim my friendship with Jesse isn't good enough to constitute seeing him. "Oh, he's so lucky...he'll get breaks and you'll see him, stop being so dramatic," my mom tells me. Um, he's deployed for TWO YEARS and who knows how often our breaks will match up.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

I pumped myself up for the DTR conversation. I even listened to Destiny's Child "Say My Name" a few times.

....annnddd I never had it. Whoops.

Why am I so painfully lame/hate having girly conversations?

In other words, today has been workworkwork, then a 15 min. powernap, class 6-9:30, homework, hopefully a run, then bed. BLEH.

Monday, July 7, 2008

my summer fling is like a giant, middle-aged crap

Okay, I need to put this boy thing in perspective. Yes, I found out some information that I certainly shouldn't have known thanks to his drunken best friend. It's okay, I've made peace.

In life, there are a lot of unpleasant/unexpected things that we find out. Example: your parents have sex, in fact, you walked in on it in a flu-induced daze to ask where the ibuprofen was. Example: your coworker, the same woman in the perfectly buttoned suit, takes a groaning, yelping crap in the stall behind you whilst you are peacefully adjusting your hair. You contemplate fleeing, but then she emerges, completely unashamed and relieved.
Closeted Crapmonster: "Hi, how was your weekend?"
You: ::blank stare:: "...great."

And by you, I mean me.

When things (forcibly avoiding shit/crap puns) like that happens, there are two courses of action. You can deny that you witnessed such an atrocity and peacefully stare into the opposite director when you pass said coworker in the hall, or let the knowledge affect you. I'm not denying what I saw/heard, in the bathroom or at the party.

I'm not going to pretend that I didn't hear it, but I'm not going to evilly try to get info out of this dude.


Chris Brown-fueled rant

Work today is actually going quickly, my mood hampered only by the realizations:

1. I have $40 in my checking account, and another week until a pay check (motivation to eat less? probably a good thing...)
2. I have 27 days left in DC. Good or bad, it's a strange thought. It doesn't feel like I've been here for what, a month and change.
3. Jesse will be gone for two years. TWO YEARS. The Marines are not my friends.
4. My crazy econ class requires about 500-600 pgs./wk. of reading, no joke. Plus, the prof. is a huge hardass who does things like testing on the footnotes.
5. I really miss all of my friends from home and NU, especially those that I won't see for a really long time because of study abroad, etc.
6. I have given up on males. GIVEN UP. No, I am not becoming a lesbian, I think I may make a conscious decision to: a. avoid all attachment and immerse myself in fun b. take a vow of celibacy (no wait, I would never do that..).

Of course, multiple s&tc quotes are needed to facilitate my man woes. For the male readers, I'm sorry.

"At the end of yet another failed relationship, I couldn't help but wonder: 'What is it all worth?'"

I feel more and more as if some deity is screaming at me (via life experiences) "YOU WILL DIE ALONE, SURROUNDED BY SUNDRESSES FROM ANNE TAYLOR LOFT."

In an epic night ending in a 5:30 a.m. return as my roommate was heading to work (ha), I realized (or rather, was told) that the current fling I'm in is way different than I thought. I'm relieved, but annoyed that we all can't just be adults and discuss these things openly.

- 3 articles in the mag
- freelanced article
- Earth, Wind & Fire concert
- going to the Nat'l Zoo alone because no one will relive childhood with me
- continually pushing my liberal politics on everyone in sight against their will(s)
- home to say goodbye to Jesse
- maybe some crazy drastic hair change because I need a lifestyle change

all for now...
